Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow today

Today we finally got some good snow! now the good thing about snow is, that i make money from it (which is all going towards my soon to have car!!!) and i mean come on who doesn't like to make some cash? the only downfall is that when u work with someone else to clear it, u cant keep all the money for yourself becaue that would just be dick. after that i went to my friends house and chilled in the hot tub for a while, went running out in the snow half naked and soaking wet and finished the night with a movie.. it was chill

Friday, January 20, 2012


Midterms are possibly one of the most boring things that you have to do in school.. like today for example i finished both of my tests with over an hour left, what the hell am i suppose to do in class for an hour?!?!?! i can only think of one think.... play that temple run.. yeahhhh buddy

Friday, March 19, 2010

Making Up Tests

Hey guys, sorry for no new posts lately, but here is one for you....
Ya know when you have been out of school a couple of days, and when you go back you are going to be loaded with tons and tons of homework.... well, this happened to me a couple of days ago, and just today i had to make up a test....... Now the homework wasn't that bad, but when you have to make up a presentation with the most boring science teacher in the world, and then miss your lunch to take a test with him the next day.... now that just plain old sucks. Here is how i mean boring when i am talking about him..... while he is talking to you he yawns every 2 minuets, and he looks like a turtle and talks like a turtle.... i thought i was about to fall asleep as he was talking to me, and i think that he was falling asleep too......
I just hate it when you get the boring teachers and you really can't do anything about it................
do you have any super boring teachers, if so why r thy so boring? Leave a comment..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Power Outages

I think out of everything that makes me pissed off, i think power  outages is in the top 3 range. Here is why............. When you are watching Netflix on your xbox 360, and you are having a jolly good time, all of the sudden everything turns off. "Awwwwww, mother f***er!" i say in rage, "that was a good movie"....... but there is only one answer for this....... it is those damn drunk drivers again,..., no but really it is just a storm.. :( Im thinking, why dont we have the power lines running underground, instead of hanging 30 feet of the ground so that they can get hit by a tree or a friggin drunk driver. now i think that this is a good idea, and i really dont see why those idiots at the power company didnt have them run underground instead of above ground, but they must have a good reason for it, so tell me why do they have them above ground? IDK!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Being Sick

When you are sick what do you feel like? no let me rephrase that, when you have a stomach bug what do you feel like? now i know it is no fun to have a stomach bug, because 100% of the time you are probably throwing up your guts, and i have been doing this for the last two days. now that i am feeling better, i am here telling you about it.....
Now the first day i thought i was going to be all rite because it was just a stomach ache and a headache, but that progressed into me tossing up my breakfast, lunch and dinner that previous day... i don't know what you feel like when you are tossing your meals into the toilet, but i feel like crap and i am saying "why is this happening to me?" and "just put me out of my f***ing misery now!" (feel free to tell me what you feel like)
The second day i was done throwing up, but i had a temperature of 101 degrees F. i was in bed the whole day, and i forgot to mention that it was my mom's 50th birthday. We were supposed to throw a big party for her and have all of our friends come over, but because of me we had to cancel all of that, and now i feel that i have ruined her birthday. 
I Hate Getting Sick!!!!
And you can see why, can't you?
But to make up for ruining her birthday, i bought her a Pandora charm for her bracelet. You can buy the one that i got her here Pandora Silver Row with Beads Charm for that special someone in your life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Beach

Today i went to the god damn beach. i had a great fucking time at the moter f***ing beach. i am so pissed off at the beach because i cut my foot and my hand. i hate the god damn shells at the beach so much that if i were to become president, i would have all of the beaches remove all of the crap on the beach especially the f***in shells. i cant even discribe how pissed off i am rite now. it is between killing myself and raping a small child (but not really), (no but really), both are as bad as the other, so i am really pissed off and dont f***ing mess with me rite now because i will eat a small baby chipmunk. i had a great time at the beach! :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Day

Well...... Today was a fairly good day. I went to school (boring as hell) then i went to the "fitness room" with my friends.. Well we decided to come back to my house to just hang out..... But we first had to get to my house...... My mom refused to pick us up because she was picking up my sister. So we had to walk about a mile to my house, and we were already f***ing tired as it was. So we got to my house and we decided to take it easy for a couple of hours and play some xbox, the computer etc........... We played some basketball outside, i got hit in the head a couple of times, and now here i am writing this blog.... i think i had a fairly good day.